We would like to express our great pleasure to complete the 12th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security. We have been organizing this symposium every year for 12 years. We are holding this year’s symposium in the United States, hosted by Trinity University in San Antonio.

We first held the ISDFS symposium in 2013 at Firat University, Elazig, Turkey. Later, it was organized at Sam Houston State University (US, 2014), Gazi University (TR, 2015), The University of Arkansas at Little Rock (US, 2016), The University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Tirgu Mures (Romania, 2017), Firat University (TR, 2018), Instituto Politecnico do Cavado e do Ave (PT, 2019), Arab Open University (LB, 2020), Firat University (TR, 2021), Maltepe University (TR, 2022) and The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (US, 2023), respectively.

Since 2016, ISDFS has been supported technically by IEEE. We have been carrying out this event under the umbrella of the IEEE Education Society since 2023.

In this symposium, we mainly cover digital forensics, cyber security, information security, cryptography, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning areas. However, we also include other papers outside these fields that are related to computer science.

This event is carried out with the support of the following consortium members in 2024: Arap Open University (LB), Association of Software and Cyber Security of Turkey, Firat University (TR), Gazi University (TR), Hacettepe University (TR), IEEE Education Society (US), Karadeniz Technical University (TR), Maltepe University (TR), Ondokuz Mayıs University (TR), Osmangazi University (TR), Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave (PT), Sam Houston State University (US), Singidunum University (RS), The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (US), Trinity University (US) and Yildiz Technical University (TR). We would like to thank the consortium members wholeheartedly for their contributions to the event. Moreover, in the scientific committee of the symposium, scientists from many countries of the world carried out their duties as referees of the papers with great care.

This year we had two invited speakers. Prof. Dr. Hamadou Saliah-Hassane from Canada’s TELUQ University will give a speech on “Developing Educational Standards on Secure and Trusted Learning Systems: Opportunity, Progress, and Challenges”. Our other speaker, Prof. Dr. Milan Tuba, from Singidunum University, gave a speech on “Security Issues in Machine Learning Algorithms”.

Interest in the ISDFS symposium increases every year and scientists from different countries participate. This year, we received the highest number of paper submissions and had to make hard decisions to reject some of the work based on the reviewers’ comments. This year we had participants from Australia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Canada, China, Ecuador, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

President Prof. Dr. Vanessa B. Beasley and Provost Prof. Dr. Megan Mustain made sure that this event was held at Trinity University. We thank them for their leadership and support. Some of the students in the Department of Computer Science at Trinity University supported this event. We also thank them for their contributions.

Prof. Dr. Cihan Varol and Prof. Dr. Murat Karabatak made significant contributions in all the stages of the organization of this symposium. We thank them for their incredible contributions to us. The contribution of Prof. Dr. Martin LIamas Nistal, Chair of the IEEE Education Society, to the symposium, has ensured that this symposium, which has been held under the umbrella of IEEE Education Society for 2023 and 2024, is undeniable.

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The 12th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security event will be held between April 29-30, 2024 at Trinity University, TX, US. To visit the web page of the ISDFS 2024 click here!

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The 11th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security event was held between May 11-12, 2023 at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, TN, US. Totaly 94 proceedings were presented online and remotely. To see the presented proceedings visit the following link. Click here!

To see the photos of ISDFS 2023 click here!

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